Posts Tagged ‘Barnes and Noble’

>Right now I’m watching the Lakers-Hornets game and a cool Apple iPhone4 commercial came up. Apple is known to be great with marketing; heck, they are awesome. They are so damn good they make the iPad seem like a needable product.

This video I’m talking about for the iPhone4 and its compatibility with iBooks. I find it interesting how they focus on both the smartphone and the e-reader industry. We all know how huge the smartphone market is, and recently the e-reader world has exploded onto the scene (The report from the Association of American Publishers, showed February’s eBook sales were $90.3m (£55.2m), compared to $81.2m (£49.8m) in paperbacks, a leap of 202.3% on the same time last year. For more go to so it seems logical that Apple will go all-out and try to conquer that market and beat out gadgets like the Kindle, Nook and to some degree the iPad.

Interesting how Apple pushed the iPhone as an e-reader along with the iPad2. Cross marketing and also competition within the company.

Your thoughts???

Mr Khakbaz out!!!