Posts Tagged ‘NFL’

>So yesterday we had the Conference Championship games.

First off we had Bears @ Packers.

To call this game weird would be an understatement. Packers played a laid back game, Chicago was down by 14 and had defeat written all over, as if it were 42 down. Strange game for Jay Cutler who didn’t play most of the second half due to, what the bears called, a knee injury. As a knee surgery patient I’m not gonna judge Cutler, but just found it odd that he did not receive medical attention or did something to get back in the game. What I did find sad was the reaction by LOTS of NFL players calling Jay a quitter and all sorts of bullshit, when they don’t know the severity; leave that crap to us mere mortals but players have to be of a higher standard, i just found it disgusting. On a more important note, Packers won the game and are on their way to Arlington. BTW a nice effort by Haine.

The late game was the Jets @ Steelers. This was much more of a steal that what I thought. Jets did not put up a fight in the 1st half, it was as if their game with the Patriots just left the spent. Bad bad defense. The second half was much more tight and, in fact, the jets played better but it was too little to late. In the end the Steelers took the game and are on their way to Cowboys Stadium.

Ironic that 2 of the most storied franchises will play in the stadium of the other important franchise in the NFL.

So it will be Steelers @ Packers (NFC team is the home team this year) at Cowboys Stadium. Vegas opens with the Packers as 2 point favorites. I love the way Rodgers is playing, but i just canĀ“t go against Big Ben in a Big Game. Still have 2 weeks to make up my mind.

BTW the halftime show will be awesome. I love the Black Eyed Peas and you know Jerry Jones will put his effort to make this the most memorable superbowl ever.

MrKhakbaz out!