Posts Tagged ‘retina display’

iPad Mini

So the Apple Event just finished, so many things to say so here go my random thoughts:

  • The iMacs and laptops I could care less about since I believe it’s nothing more than a commodity market.
  • Not a fan of the presenter taking a shot on users for still using a Optical Drive. I get your idea of presenting something new (and this was the only technology-wise advancement).
  • The new iMac design is beautiful
  • Apple announced a 4th generation iPad. This is wrong on so many ways and i think it just took importance out of the iPad Mini
  • There a some many things wrong with this, the announce that the 3 has been the best selling product yet they kill it in 6 months.
  • Way to protect peoples investment, not even 6 months in and they already tell you your product is old
  • It shows a ridiculous amount of arrogance by Apple, with Jobs it always had it but in a way that didn’t get in the way of getting good stuff out there
  • On to the iPad Mini, while I’m against the idea of this product (check out my thoughts here) I thought the presentation was lackluster
  • I found it really wrong that they went on to “destroy” the Google Nexus yet they price it 130 bucks above it.
  • What reason would I have to buy a iPod if for 30 bucks I can get a iPad Mini, but why should I get the Mini if I can get for 70 bucks a real iPad.
  • The talked about what they are “better” at but they forgot to mention the resolution is worse than its competitors. 7.9-inch iPad Mini with 1024×768 pixels is lower resolution than Nexus 7 and Kindle HD Fire HD. 162ppi versus 216ppi and 169ppi.
  • I remember a time where Apple truly dazzled us with new products, now it seems every event is just a refresh, a bigger or smaller version of what is in the market.
  • Why did Apple choose this date for it’s event? To take attention away from Microsoft Windows 8 and the Surface launching this week. After seeing this I don’t really think they accomplished that.
  • Apple will never accept this but they are afraid of the Android platform. The signals are there: going into the market that is already created, try to stay on pace with technologies that have been out for a while and not create new stuff, actually bring nothing new to the market in the past couple of years
  • Competition is stronger than it has ever been, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think dismissing something saying you are better but not really offering it in the same way to the market.
  • Why would I buy the ipad mini now if I’m sure that in 6 months they will come out with a retina display Mini?
  • So the new iPhone comes out and has pretty much what every other high end phone has, the Mini brings nothing new to the table regarding mid-sized tablets -except a absurdly high price-, the new iPad 4 is a slap in the face to iPad 3 consumers… hey at least the iMac is sexy.

I hope this doesn’t come across as an Apple hating post, I’m a fan of some of its products but I really believe the Cupertino giant is slowly losing it’s way. I don’t like where this is heading; I think people are dumb enough that the Mini will be a financial success but as an investor I’m afraid of what the next 5 or 10 years will look like.

Never forget what brought you to the party, that is something Steve Jobs always had present and I believe Tim Cook and the rest of the team is slowly losing.

What are your thoughts on the Apple event? on the 4th generation iPad? On the iPad Mini?

Mr Khakbaz out!