Posts Tagged ‘Vince Mcmahon’

It’s been 2 weeks since CM Punk’s  and I’ve gone back and watched it again. To say that it was amazing is an understatement, I quite possible has been the biggest thing on WWE in the last 4-5 years. I found last weeks Cena-McMahon promo quite dull, but I still hope this turns into the biggest storyline in recent memory.

I’ve heard a lot of podcasts and read a lot on this subject and I truly believe Punk has either re-signed or will be back in a short short time. Nothing that goes live on WWE is a shoot, while this contained lots of insider references and backstage info it was not a real shoot, to open up in such manner implies WWE is looking to make big $$$ on this; they won’t make big money if they limit this to a one night deal at Money in the Bank this Sunday.

I hope we as fans get a great payoff on what has been a great couple of weeks and WWE, for the first time in a long time, has made the fans think on what will happen, has made the conclusion or progression of this storyline somewhat of a mystery. Without a doubt the element of surprise is the biggest thing in pro-wresting and this, my friends, has surprise written all over it.

Before jumping the gun and making any conclusions based on last weeks Cena-VKM interaction and whatever will happen tonight on Raw, just enjoy the moment, live the fantasy for a while and hold on judgement until this whole thing is played out. For now, enjoy the promo

Have a great Monday and enjoy RAW, for now…

Mr Khakbaz out!!!